Call for Paper for Edition 6 number 2 April 2025
Dear Prof/Dr
Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE) is a journal on multidisciplines in education research. The Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE) provides readers with an understanding of the rich contextual nature of evaluation, assessment, and accountability in multidisciplinary education on various levels (state, regional, local). It seeks to connect research, policy-making, and practice. The main objective of this international journal is to advance knowledge and dissemination of research on and about assessment, evaluation, and accountability of all kinds and on various levels (state, regional, local) as well as in all fields of education (primary, secondary, higher, colleague, Health, Tourism and Hospitality as well as non-school sector).
Indexed: SINTA 2, BASE, CiteFactor, Copernicus, Dimension, DOI Crossref, Fatcat, Google Scholar, Garuda, ROAD, Scilit, Scinapse, OpenAIRE, Open Ukraine Citation Index, Wikidata, and WorldCat.
We are seeking submissions for Vol. 6, No. 2, 2025. I would like to personally invite you to submit your unpublished manuscripts to our journal. The journal accepts articles by online submissions. You may see the journal’s profile at For more information, please email
It would be appreciated if you could share this information with your colleagues and associates.
Thank you
Best regards,
Managing Editor
Rahmat Perdana
Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE)