Action in the Business Realm: Increasing Students' Entrepreneurial Spirit Through Production Unit-Based Teaching Factory Learning
Purpose of the study: The aim of this research is to determine students' entrepreneurial spirit through production unit-based teaching factory learning.
Methodology: The type of research used in this research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental type. The number of samples taken was 60 students consisting of 30 students in class VIII A and 30 students in class VIII B. The data collection technique used included distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this research is comparative analysis or T-test between class data that implements production unit-based Teaching Factory learning and those that do not.
Main Findings: Based on the results of the T-test carried out, it was found that there was a difference in entrepreneurial spirit between the group who took part in learning at the teaching factory and the group who did not take part.
Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this research is that it explores the transformative potential of production unit-based Teaching Factory learning in fostering a dynamic entrepreneurial spirit among students in the business realm.
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