Integration of the POE Model and Metaphoral Thinking in Student Worksheets: Improving Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in the Modern Education Era

  • Karyawati Endra Public Middle School 7 Banjit
  • Gillian Mae Villaflor Leyte Normal University
Keywords: Mathematical Reasoning, Metaphoral Thinking, POE Model, Worksheets


Purpose of the study: This research aims to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of POE-based (Predict, Observe, Explain) student worksheets using a metaphorical thinking approach to enhance the mathematical reasoning abilities of class 9 students at Public Middle School.

Methodology: This research aims to find out how to develop student worksheets based on POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) through a metaphoral thinking approach oriented towards the mathematical reasoning abilities of junior high school students in class 9 and find out the effectiveness of student worksheet products based on POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) through Metaphoral Thinking approach to the mathematical reasoning abilities of Public Middle School 7 Banjit students in class 9.

Main Findings: Validation results showed material experts rated the worksheets at 89.4%, media experts at 94.9%, and language experts at 75%, all with high appropriateness. Small group trials averaged 86%, field trials 87%, and educator trials 97.2%, all with very good criteria. The paired t-test (thitung = 12.7 > ttabel = 2.02) confirmed the effectiveness of the POE-based worksheets using the Metaphorical Thinking approach in enhancing mathematical reasoning abilities..

Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this study lies in developing and validating POE-based student worksheets integrated with a metaphorical thinking approach to enhance junior high students' mathematical reasoning. This innovative strategy combines cognitive and imaginative techniques, fostering deeper comprehension and problem-solving skills.


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How to Cite
Endra, K., & Villaflor, G. M. (2024). Integration of the POE Model and Metaphoral Thinking in Student Worksheets: Improving Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in the Modern Education Era. Journal of Educational Technology and Learning Creativity, 2(1), 41-53.