Design of Interactive Learning Applications Based on Chat Bots on Social Media

  • Tri Insan Mustaqiim Universitas Jambi
Keywords: Media sosila, Pembelajaaran daring


The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic has provided motivation to design online learning. Even though the pandemic has ended, online learning plans are still being carried out frequently. This research aims to help programmers and educators to design learning with new innovations in the form of chat bots on social media. The research method used is the Hannafin and Peck method with data collection, observation, and literature study. The application was designed with additional innovation in the form of a crossword puzzle and then tested by 17 respondents with accidental sampling as a sampler. The results obtained were very good criteria. The chatbot application as a learning medium is expected to help teachers and students in learning activities.


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How to Cite
T. I. Mustaqiim, “Design of Interactive Learning Applications Based on Chat Bots on Social Media”, In. Sci. Ed. J, vol. 5, no. 3, Sep. 2024.