The Effect of Economic Conditions and Parental Motivation on Student Achievement

  • Wulan Dewi Kurniawati Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (Stain) Salatiga
  • Suwahno Suwahno SDN Banyubiru
Keywords: Motivation, Student achievement, Economy


Purpose of the study: This study was to determine whether there is a significant influence between economic conditions and parents' motivation on the learning achievement of fourth grade students at SDN Banyubiru 04.

Methodology: Researchers used a quantitative approach with a correlation research design, the research subjects were 30 respondents. Data collection used a questionnaire instrument to obtain data on economic conditions and parents' motivation, learning achievement data was obtained through a document of first semester test report cards

Main Findings: Based on the results of observations and discussion, it was found that: (1) The economic condition of the parents of grade IV students at SDN Banyubiru 04 was classified as high 46.66% by 7 respondents. (2) The motivation of parents of fourth grade students at SDN Banyubiru 04 is low, 40%, with 6 respondents. (3) The learning achievement of class IV students at SDN Banyubiru 04 is low at 53.33% for 8 respondents. There is a positive influence so that there is a correlation between economic conditions and parental motivation on student achievement in class IV SDN Banyubiru 04.

Novelty/Originality of this study: the researcher recommends for further research in order to be able to conduct similar research with different and varied variables



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How to Cite
W. Dewi Kurniawati and S. Suwahno, “The Effect of Economic Conditions and Parental Motivation on Student Achievement”, Jo. Soc. Know. Ed, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 60-64, May 2023.