Biology Module Development Evolution Topics Contains Al-Qur'an Verses and Aqidah Hadiths

  • M Ikhsan Syam UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Funke Aina Falemu Bamidele Olumilua University of Education Science and Technology Ikere
  • Mufida Bello Hussain Bayero University
Keywords: Biology, Development, Module


Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study: get description How method development module biology main discussion evolution loaded verses from the Qur'an and hadiths faith that has valid and practical quality .

Methodology: Research This is Research and Development (Research and Development) which refers to the 4-P model which is adaptation from the 4-D (four-D) development model . However researcher only to the point development just , no to the point distribution Because limitations time and costs owned by the researcher . Subject in study This is student Department of Biology Education Faculty Tarbiyah and Teaching UIN Alauddin Makassar, totaling 6 people . The instruments used in research data collection divided above 2, namely the validation format instrument evaluation module For get data validity and practical format module in the form of questionnaire response participant educate For get practical data . Data that has been obtained Then analyzed with use descriptive data analysis .

Main Findings: Based on trial data validity revised module​ as many as 2 times, module fulfil category very valid with average score 3.76, for the trial practicality module obtained average score of 3.39 which is included category practical . This is indicates that developed module​ Still Not yet perfect However worthy For used .

Novelty/Originality of this study: Development module integrated biology​ main discussion evolution with verses of the Koran and hadiths creed For student The Biology Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar is A step innovative . 


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How to Cite
Syam, M. I., Falemu , F. A., & Hussain , M. B. (2024). Biology Module Development Evolution Topics Contains Al-Qur’an Verses and Aqidah Hadiths . Journal of Academic Biology and Biology Education, 1(2).