Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER) has been accepted for National Accreditation [SINTA 4].


Dear Authors, Editors, Readers and Reviewers:

We are proud to announce that based on the decision of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology No 72/E/KPT/2024, that the Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER) has been accepted for National Accreditation [SINTA 4].

SINTA accreditation is an assessment and approval process carried out by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to recognize the quality and reputation of scientific journals published in Indonesia. SINTA is a national accreditation system that helps researchers measure the impact of researchers' research. Journals that receive SINTA accreditation have gone through a careful evaluation process and met the specified criteria.

Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER) focus on multidisciplinary education includes; Evaluation and assessment of curriculum as Functions, roles, objectives as well as programs and their policy impact; Classroom assessment, including formative assessment practices, the use of summative assessment, and educator assessment literacy Especially for Character Education; New constructs and forms for student assessment, including assessment of deeper learning outcomes, Student Development and test management; Learning Assessment for Development of Learning Instruments and media; 21st-century Local and Global issues Assessment and Evaluation education in indonesia and in the context of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries.... see full focus and scope.

We hope you consider publishing your research paper in the Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER).

Thank you for your continued interest in our work.

Best Regard,
Management, Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER)