Pendidikan Agama Islam Indonesia (JPAII)2024-09-27T16:06:39+07:00Syahirah Shahlehijpaii@cahaya-ic.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Indonesia (JPAII) (<em>J. Pend. A. Isl. Ind</em>) is a <strong>double-blind peer-reviewed</strong> journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and research in religious education, especially in Islamic education. This journal aims to provide a means for sustained discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scopes of the journal, which can be examined empirically in the following fields: <strong>Studies in Social Islamic Education, Pedagogy and Curriculum in Islamic Education, Islamic Management Education, Teaching and Learning in Islamic Education, Quality Education in Islamic, Islamic Education Development & Society, Philosophy of Islamic Education, Religious Education both in Indonesia and A country with a predominantly Muslim population, Local Culture in relation to character values, and Islamic education in Madrasa Schools and Islamic Boarding Schools</strong>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US">The<em> J. Pend. A. Isl. Ind </em></span>is an open-access journal containing original research articles, review articles, and other scholarly contributions that advance our understanding of religious education and its various dimensions. <span lang="EN-US">The <em>J. Pend. A. Isl. Ind. </em>publishes four issues annually in March, June, September, and December. This journal has adopted a double-blind reviewing policy whereby both the referees and author(s) remain anonymous throughout the process.</span></p> Relationship between Moral Education in the Family and Adolescent Personality2024-09-27T16:06:36+07:00Syamsul Arifinsysyamsularfnn2@gmail.comMarwan Abuorabemabuorabemrwnn@gmail.comOmer<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This research aims to determine whether there is a relationship between moral education in the family and adolescent personality.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methodology:</strong> This study uses questionnaire methods, documentation and data analysis methods. The subjects of the study were 40 respondents, using population and sample techniques (purposive random sampling). Data collection used a questionnaire instrument to collect x and y data. The collected research data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. Testing the research hypothesis used correlation analysis.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The results of the study showed that at the 5% level = 0.313. So that the comparison obtained based on the table of values obtained is: 0.219 <0.313 at a significant level of 5%. From the analysis of the data, the working hypothesis (H<sub>a</sub>) which states that there is a significant relationship between moral education in the family and adolescent personality is rejected. At the 1% level = 0.405, the comparison obtained based on the table of values obtained is: 0.219 <0.405, then the null hypothesis (H<sub>o</sub>) which states that there is no positive relationship between moral education in the family and adolescent personality so that H<sub>o</sub> is accepted.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>This study integrates moral education in the family as one of the determining factors in the formation of adolescent personality. Although many studies discuss moral education and adolescent development separately, this study offers a more comprehensive approach, considering how the family environment plays a direct role in shaping adolescent moral values and behavior.</p>2024-09-25T22:46:24+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syamsul Arifin, Marwan Abuorabe, Omer Agail Guidance and Character Education for School Dropouts at the Social Rehabilitation Center2024-09-27T16:06:32+07:00Basyiroh<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This study aims to determine the implementation of religious guidance at the Social Rehabilitation Center.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methodology:</strong> This study uses a qualitative approach with 12 respondents as research subjects. The interview method is the main method and the documentation method is complementary. The data collection method is carried out using a research instrument in the form of an interview, namely an interview with questions regarding the implementation of religious guidance. While the documentation method is used to determine the location and subject of the study.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The research results obtained show that religious development activities include: recitation (study of Fiqh), mujahadah and al-Qur'an, learning about read and write the Quran, yasinan and tahlil at regular recitation, tadarus Al-Qur'an. The methods used in implementing coaching are: lecture, question and answer, habituation and example methods and every time coaching is completed, the coach always conducts an evaluation. The aim of implementing religious coaching is so that the beneficiaries are to direct teenagers about the importance of knowledge about religion and have the awareness to carry it out. So that it is useful in this world and in the afterlife.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>This study opens up new insights into the importance of integrating religious guidance with character education in restoring the learning spirit and morals of school dropouts at the Social Rehabilitation Center.</p>2024-09-25T23:08:35+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Basyiroh Basyiroh Influence of Monday-Thursday Fasting Intensity on the Patience of Islamic Religious Education Students2024-09-27T16:06:27+07:00Syahris Shidiqsyhrssdqq11@gmail.comShittu Abdulazeez Balogunblgshttabdlzz@gmail.comSaeed Namazi<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This study aims to reveal whether there is a correlation between the intensity of performing the Monday Thursday sunnah fast and the level of patience of Islamic Religious Education students.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methodology: </strong>The research method uses a quantitative approach. The population of this study was 153 students of Islamic Religious Education. The sample in this study was 40 students. The researcher used a data collection method in the form of a questionnaire. Instrument analysis includes validity and reliability analysis. Then process the data that has been obtained using the product moment formula.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The results of this study indicate that the Intensity of Carrying Out Sunnah Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is in the good category as indicated by an average value of 77.47. Meanwhile, the Level of Patience of Islamic Religious Education Students is included in the sufficient category as indicated by an average value of 74.45.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>This study can reveal how routine spiritual practices have a significant influence in shaping the character of patience among young academics.</p>2024-09-25T23:34:20+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syahris Shidiq, Shittu Abdulazeez Balogun, Saeed Namazi Zadegan the Quality of Islamic Religious Education Learning through Religious Extracurricular Activities2024-09-27T16:06:24+07:00Hasbar Hasbarhsbrhasbra50@gmail.comMisbahullah MisbahullahMisbahullah019@gmail.comAhmad Ghiyats<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>To find out the implementation of religious extracurricular activities in improving the quality of the Islamic religious education learning process, to find out the obstacles faced in the implementation of religious extracurricular activities in improving the quality of the Islamic religious education learning process and to find out the efforts or solutions made by instructors in overcoming the obstacles faced in the implementation of religious extracurricular activities.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methodology: </strong>This type of research is descriptive research. The approach used in this research is to use a qualitative approach. The approach techniques used in this thesis are the pedagogical approach and the management approach.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Main Findings: </strong>Implementation of religious extracurricular activities, namely reading and writing the Qur'an, lecture or speech training, dhikr together. Obstacles faced in the implementation of extracurricular activities are that 80% of students are unable to read the Qur'an due to lack of motivation and participation from parents of students, in addition students also have a lack of understanding of religion. The solution taken by the school in overcoming obstacles to the implementation of religious extracurricular activities is that student grades are postponed by Islamic religious teachers until students are able to read the Qur'an, Islamic religious teachers write letters to parents of students, practice lectures or speeches, get students used to praying in congregation at the mosque, participate in dhikr activities together every Friday night at the State Senior High School 2 Palopo Mosque</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>This study has the potential to show that the integration of religious activities outside the classroom can enrich students' learning experiences, strengthen understanding of religious values, and support the formation of holistic Islamic character.</p>2024-09-25T23:49:30+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hasbar Hasbar, Misbahullah Misbahullah, Ahmad Ghiyats Fawwaz for Instilling Local Wisdom Values in the Formation of Students' Morals2024-09-27T16:06:39+07:00Rasdia Rasdiarasdiadia07@gmail.comHernah<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This study aims to determine how morals are formed through instilling local wisdom values in students and how to internalize local wisdom values.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methodology: </strong>This type of research uses field research. Data collection and processing techniques through direct observation, interviews and documentation from the Principal, Teachers, and students at Elementary School 251 Pinrang. Triangulation as a test of data validity that utilizes something else from outside the data for data comparison, with data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions from the data obtained.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The results of this study indicate that the formation of morals that is continuously carried out by educators through the instillation of local wisdom values in activities inside and outside the classroom that get a positive response from students and are implemented in everyday life in the values of Pappaseng culture theoretically and practically also contain Islamic teachings that remain in harmony and in accordance with the basic guidelines of Muslims, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. It can be seen from its application that it can really form the morals of students with the method of exemplary behavior, habituation and advice. Thus it can be concluded that the instillation of local wisdom values in the formation of student morals at State Elementary School 251 Pinrang is going well and is accepted by students with the actualization of good morals and positive responses.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>This study provides a new contribution by revealing how the instillation of local wisdom values, especially the Pappaseng culture, plays a significant role in the formation of students' morals in elementary schools.</p>2024-09-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c)