Journal of Basic Education Research 2024-06-01T22:00:21+00:00 Rahmat Perdana Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Basic Education Research aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education and plays an important role in promoting the process that accumulated knowledge, values, and skills are transmitted from one generation to another; and to make methods and contents of evaluation and research in education available to teachers, administrators and research workers.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Frequency: 3/year ( January, May, and September)</p> Exploring the Potential of Traditional Congklak in the Development of Early Childhood Cognitive Abilities 2024-06-01T22:00:17+00:00 Emi Matura Quang Van Son Yahya Che Lah <p><strong>Research objectives: </strong>This research aims : (1) To determine the existence of influence Early Childhood Cognitive Development at Kasih Bunda Kindergarten, South Aceh through traditional games cocky. (2) To determine the teacher's activities in developing the cognitive abilities of young children at the Kasih Bunda Kindergarten in South Aceh through the traditional congklak game.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is an experimental research with a <em>pre-experimental design. </em>The subjects of this research were students in group B1 of Kindergarten Kasih Bunda South Aceh for the 2018/2019 academic year with a total of 27 students as an experimental class. The data analysis technique was carried out using descriptive quantitative by comparing the average <em>of pre-test and post-test data </em>collected through observation. Hypothesis testing was carried out using the t-test from the results of the activity scale.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The main findings of this study are comparison of average values before and after treatment. At tcount &gt; ttable or 27.30 &gt; 2.056 then Ho is rejected which means at the level of confidence 95% of the time there is a significant difference between the scores obtained from the initial test and the final test.</p> <p><strong>Novelty / Originality of this research: </strong>The novelty of this research is the discovery of the use of traditional games, such as congklak. Where this game is not only played but can improve the cognitive abilities of young children in terms of recognizing the concept of numbers.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Emi Matura, Quang Van Son, Yahya Che Lah Pancasila as an Identity That Forms National Character: Analysis of the Philosophy of Indonesian Education 2024-06-01T22:00:05+00:00 Ricky Purnama Wirayuda Andreas Hadinata Misrowati Misrowati Rozen Afdian Thezy Meilevia Wijayanti <p><strong>Purpose of the study:</strong> The development of the education system must be in line with the main goals of education in a country. This research aims to analyze the role of educational philosophy in the formation of national identity contained in the values of Pancasila as identity and formation of national character.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research uses a qualitative approach to understand social phenomena as a whole. This research method is designed to collect structured information and is in accordance with the objective of analysis regarding the role of educational philosophy in the formation of national identity.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>Analysis of educational philosophy in the formation of Indonesian national identity emphasizes the need to pay sufficient attention to the education of national values. Pancasila is not only the basis of the way of life for the Indonesian people, but also the basis for the guidelines for national and state life for all Indonesian citizens.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>Based on the literature study carried out, it can be concluded that Educational Philosophy is a deep thought about education that originates from philosophy, where Pancasila is the nation's way of life that influences daily life, so that the Indonesian national education system naturally reflects and is based on the identity of Pancasila. This research aims to ensure that all elements of education are able to maintain Pancasila values so that they continue to be taught in education because they are the identity of the Indonesian nation.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ricky Purnama Wirayuda, Andreas Hadinata, Misrowati Misrowati, Rozen Afdian , Thezy Meilevia Wijayanti Application of Local Wisdom of Wayang Figures: Building Student Character Education in Elementary Schools 2024-06-01T22:00:13+00:00 Dwy Rahayyu Noritasari Bash Asbe Edward Hasvin Padmanathan <p><strong>Purpose of the Study: </strong>This research aims to describe and analyze the methods of building student character by implementing local wisdom of wayang characters at Elementary School Segulung 05. It examines this process's inhibiting and supporting factors and evaluates its overall impact.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>The research adopts a case study design with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is conducted using Milles &amp; Huberman’s method, which encompasses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The study reveals that character formation in students is effectively facilitated through the integration of wayang figures' local wisdom. This is achieved via strategies such as introducing wayang characters and their traits, using exemplars, narrating stories or giving advice, and incorporating wayang-related materials into Javanese language lessons. Supporting factors for this character-building process include the unique and engaging form of wayang, students' enthusiasm for listening to stories, and the broad acceptance of wayang across different societal groups.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of the Study: </strong>The novelty of this research lies in its detailed exploration of character education through the cultural medium of Wayang, showcasing innovative ways to leverage local wisdom in modern education. By integrating Wayang characters and their moral lessons into the curriculum, the study provides a unique approach to character building. This method enhances student engagement and cultural appreciation and fosters moral development through culturally resonant narratives and practical examples.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwy Rahayyu Noritasari, Bash Asbe Edward, Hasvin Padmanathan The Relevance Of Ki Hajar Dewantara's Educational Basis "Education That Independent Students" In Differentiation Learning In The Independent Curriculum 2024-06-01T22:00:01+00:00 Musdahlipah Musdahlipah Dian Putri Rahmadani Hedriansyah Nurhafizh Rezik Mohd Rozak Helpi Lestari Zullukman Zullukman <p><strong>Purpose of the study:</strong> This research aims to explore the relevance of Ki Hajar Dewantara's basic concept of education, namely "education that liberates students" in the context of differentiated learning in the Independent Curriculum. Ki Hajar Dewantara is known as an Indonesian education figure who encourages an educational approach that respects the uniqueness and potential of each student, and gives them the freedom to develop according to their talents and interests.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The literature study research method will be used to examine relevant theories, as well as the results of the latest research which examines the relationship between Ki Hajar Dewantara's educational concept and differentiated learning in the context of the Independent Curriculum.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings:</strong> A critical analysis of the literature will be conducted to identify similarities, differences, and practical implications of the concepts.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>&nbsp;The values of freedom, equality and respect for individual uniqueness promoted by Ki Hajar Dewantara are reflected in the differentiated learning practices in the Merdeka Curriculum. Differentiated learning allows for strong inclusion, equity in educational access, and recognition of individual differences in student needs and interests. This concept provides a strong philosophical foundation for creating an inclusive, adaptive, and student-centered learning environment, in accordance with the spirit of freedom, equality, and respect for individual uniqueness.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Musdahlipah Musdahlipah, Dian Putri Rahmadani, Hedriansyah Nurhafizh, Rezik Mohd Rozak, Helpi Lestari, Zullukman Zullukman Improving Students' Ability to Solve Space Building Problems Through the Bamboo Dancing Learning Model in Elementary School 2024-06-01T22:00:09+00:00 Fernita Setia Ananda <p><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the bamboo dancing learning model in enhancing students' problem-solving skills related to spatial geometry.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>Conducted as Classroom Action Research (CAR), the study was implemented in two cycles, each consisting of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection methods included observation, tests, and documentation. The subjects were 24 students from VD class at SDN No.13/1 Muara Bulian, comprising 12 female and 12 male students.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The study found that the bamboo dancing learning model significantly improved students' problem-solving abilities in spatial geometry. This model involved students working on problems through discussions with partners, followed by a rotation to new partners, mimicking the movements of bamboo dancing. Varied learning media were used in each cycle to enhance the learning process. In the first cycle, the success rate of students' problem-solving abilities was 61.01%, categorized as sufficient. By the second cycle, the success rate increased to 81.64%, categorized as good. These results indicate that the bamboo dancing learning model met the research achievement indicators, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving students' spatial problem-solving skills.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study:&nbsp; </strong>This research is innovative as it combines spatial mathematics with the performing art of bamboo dancing. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances students' geometric problem-solving skills but also enriches their learning experiences by integrating physical movement and cultural elements. By visualizing and physically practicing spatial concepts through bamboo dancing, students internalize the material more effectively.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fernita Setia Ananda Improving Learning Outcomes Using Jigsaw Learning in High Class Elementary Schools 2024-06-01T22:00:21+00:00 Alya Karina Anita Putri Oktariani Dong Anh Chi Hong <p><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This research addresses the challenge of low student learning outcomes and limited group learning engagement. Specifically, it seeks to enhance students' thematic learning outcomes by implementing the Jigsaw learning model.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>The study employs a classroom action research design conducted over three cycles. The subjects of this research were 34 students from class VI.B at Elementary School 25 Palembang. Data collection techniques included observation, tests, and documentation to gather comprehensive student performance and engagement insights.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The research findings indicate a significant improvement in student learning outcomes due to applying the Jigsaw learning model. The thematic learning outcomes for theme 1, subtheme 2, showed a marked increase across the three cycles: from 53% in cycle I to 65% in cycle II and 88% in cycle III. This progression highlights the model's effectiveness in fostering better academic performance and active participation among students.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study:&nbsp; </strong>The novelty of this research lies in its application of the Jigsaw learning model within the context of thematic learning, which is relatively underexplored in primary education. The study enhances cognitive outcomes and promotes social skills and collaborative learning by integrating cooperative learning strategies that emphasize student interdependence and accountability. This innovative approach demonstrates the potential of the Jigsaw model to transform traditional classroom dynamics, making learning more interactive, inclusive, and effective. Thus, the study provides valuable insights and practical implications for educators seeking to improve student engagement and achievement through collaborative learning models.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alya Karina, Anita Putri Oktariani, Dong Anh Chi Hong Increasing Students' Learning Activity Through a Differentized Learning Approach Using the Project Based Learnig Model in Primary Schools 2024-06-01T21:59:56+00:00 Muhammad Dewa Zulkhi Destrinelli Destrinelli Indryani Indryani <p><strong>Purpose of the Study: </strong>This research aims to explore the application of a differentiated learning approach using the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model in IPAS (Integrated Science) lessons to enhance student engagement and activity in Class IV at elementary school 31/IV. The study addresses the issue of low student engagement in learning activities, acknowledging the diverse learning needs of students.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>The study employs Classroom Action Research (CAR) with data collection techniques including observations, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects consist of 16 male and 7 female students, totaling 23 participants. Data were gathered through direct classroom observations and documented records during the learning sessions.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The findings reveal a significant improvement in student engagement. In the first cycle, the average percentage score for student activity was 62.34%, which increased to 81.40% in the second cycle. These results indicate that the differentiated learning approach, coupled with the PjBL model, effectively enhances student participation and activity in learning.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this Study: </strong>This research introduces a novel integration of differentiated learning with the PjBL model, offering a tailored educational experience that caters to diverse learning styles and needs. By allowing students to engage creatively and produce tangible projects, the approach fosters increased motivation and active participation. The study not only demonstrates the efficacy of this combined method in improving student engagement but also provides a framework for applying differentiated and project-based learning in various educational contexts. This innovative approach holds promise for transforming traditional teaching methods and enhancing student learning experiences.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Dewa Zulkhi, Destrinelli Destrinelli, Indryani Indryani