Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER) 2024-06-30T16:07:41+00:00 Rahmat Perdana Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to disseminating advances in knowledge and research in the field of multidisciplinary education both in Indonesia and in the context of ASEAN countries. Committed to excellence, the Indonesian Journal of Education Research (IJoER) publishes comprehensive research articles and invites reviews from leading experts in the field of multidisciplinary education so that it can contribute to policy and practice optimally. The selection criteria prioritize papers that demonstrate high scientific value, convey new knowledge, and significantly impact multidisciplinary education. This journal's focus on multidisciplinary education includes policy analysis, development of learning instruments and media, program evaluation, student development, test management, curriculum and learning assessment and evaluation, 21st-century local and global issues, character education, health education, tourism and hospitality education as well as related topics at elementary school to college levels. Frequency: 6/year (February, April, June, August, October, and December).</p> Application of the Gagnon and Collay Model in Improving High School Students' Learning Outcomes in Biology Subjects 2024-06-30T16:07:41+00:00 Anci Mariesi Maryam Zand Vakili Khder Niazi Nooraldeen Chalabi <p><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of applying the Gagnon and Collay Model in improving Biology learning outcomes for class XI students at Public Senior High School 1 Bone-Bone, North Luwu Regency.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is classroom action research which involves four components in each cycle. The research subjects consisted of 32 students of class XI Science 1 at Public Senior High School 1 Bone-Bone, North Luwu Regency. Data collection is carried out through tests and observation sheets in each cycle. Data analysis methods include qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>From the analysis of student learning outcomes tests in each cycle, it can be observed that the abilities of class XI Science 1 students at Public Senior High School 1 Bone-Bone, North Luwu Regency, have increased. After implementing the Gagnon and Collay Learning Model, the students' average score increased from 63.5 in cycle I to 90.38 in cycle II. This shows an increase in biology learning outcomes after implementing the Gagnon and Collay Learning Model.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>This research makes a significant contribution to the educational context by exploring and applying the Gagnon and Collay Model in improving student learning outcomes in Biology subjects. Through this approach, this research seeks to provide innovation in Biology teaching methods, aiming to create a learning environment that is more interactive, creative, and appropriate to the development of class XI Science 1 students.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anci Mariesi, Maryam Zand Vakili, Khder Niazi Nooraldeen Chalabi Improving Biology Learning Outcomes Through the Application of Entry Behavior in Intervertebrate Material in Senior High Schools 2024-06-30T16:07:38+00:00 Eka Sulastri Osita Ugwuoti <p><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This research aims to determine the improvement in student Biology learning outcomes through the implementation of Entry Behavior in class X at Public High School 1 West Bajeng, Gowa Regency.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is Classroom Action Research. The research location is at Public High School 1 West Bajeng which is located in Gowa Regency. The research subjects were 36 class X 4 students. This classroom action research procedure was carried out in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely Planning, Action, Observation and Reflection.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>Completeness of learning outcomes in cycle I was 61% which met the minimum completeness criteria and overall from 36 students the average score obtained was 73.88 or on a descriptive scale categorized as sufficient, and there was an increase in cycle II which was 92% which met the minimum completeness criteria and overall from the 36 students the average score obtained was 85 or on a descriptive scale categorized as good. Implementation of learning by applying Entry Behavior in general can improve Biology learning outcomes because it has met the Minimum Accomplishment Criteria specified in the Biology subject Animalia material in class X 4 of Public High School 1 West Bajeng, Gowa Regency.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>The focus on the application of Entry Behavior (initial behavior) in Intervertebrate material in class X 4 at Public High School 1 West Bajeng, Gowa Regency.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Sulastri, Osita Ugwuoti Think Pair Share Type Cooperative Learning to Improve Chemistry Learning Outcomes on Atomic Structure Material 2024-06-30T16:07:34+00:00 Afrida Afrida Franklin Nwanya Fouz M. Omar <p><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>The purpose of this research is to improve student learning outcomes in learning atomic structure at Dar El Hikmah Pekanbaru Vocational School by using the think pair share type cooperative learning method.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>The subjects of this research were 24 class X students majoring in Information Technology at Dar El Hikmah Vocational School, Pekanbaru, consisting of female students. In carrying out this classroom action research, there are two types of data collected by researchers, namely quantitative data and qualitative data. This research data collection technique uses tests, observation and interviews. The data analysis technique for this research was analyzed descriptively using the percentage technique of students' absorption of the material per cycle.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>The results of data analysis show that in general students' absorption of learning material shows an increase, this is based on the evaluation results of 61.7% who have not reached the minimum completeness criteria in cycle I, increasing to 67.54% in cycle II and increasing again to 76.7% in cycle III. The average value of daily test results has also increased. This is shown by the average daily class test results from 60.6, which had not yet reached the minimum completeness criteria score in the previous year, to 73.33 after implementing Think Pair Share type cooperative learning. From the research results it can be concluded that implementing Think Pair Share type cooperative learning can improve student learning outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>The novelty of this research is to determine the effectiveness of implementing Think Pair Share type cooperative learning to improve chemistry learning outcomes regarding atomic structure.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afrida Afrida, Franklin Nwanya, Fouz M. Omar Improving Mathematics Learning Results on Multiplication Material Using the Teams Game Tournament Learning Method in Class IV Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 2024-06-30T16:07:28+00:00 Elly Fatmawati Mehdi Izadi <p><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes and meet the target of achieving the minimum completeness criteria for mathematics regarding multiplication calculation operations using the teams game tournament learning method in class IV Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kawengen, East Ungaran sub-district, Semarang Regency.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is Classroom Action Research with planning, action, observation and reflection steps carried out in three cycles. The research was carried out in class IV at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kawengen with a total of 19 students.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>Based on the results of research conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kawengen, East Ungaran District, Semarang Regency, it can be concluded that the teams game tournament learning method can improve learning outcomes and can meet the target of achieving the minimum completeness criteria for mathematics multiplication calculation operations in class IV students. This is evidenced by an increase in the completeness of mathematics learning outcomes in each cycle and the achievement of a percentage of mathematics learning outcomes that classically exceeds the minimum completeness criteria achievement limit.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>The novelty of this research is the application of the Teams Game Tournament learning method to improve mathematics learning outcomes in multiplication material.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elly Fatmawati, Mehdi Izadi Description of Historical Awareness of Class XII Social Sciences Students in High School 2024-06-30T16:07:24+00:00 Putriyatul Hikmah <p><strong>Purpose of the study: </strong>This research aims to find out which indicators of historical awareness are still low for class XII Social Sciences students and the causes of these low indicators of historical awareness.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is included in descriptive research where data is collected to explain solutions to current problems based on data. The research location is at State High School 1 Pariangan, Pariangan District, Tanah Datar Regency. The objects of this research were 60 students of class XII Social Sciences State High School 1 Pariangan. Data collection was carried out through distributing questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use percentage analysis, frequency distribution, data centering using the mean, median and mode formula, and data variation analysis using the standard deviation formula.</p> <p><strong>Main Findings: </strong>Based on the analysis obtained, it shows that in general the picture of historical awareness of class XII Social Sciences students is in the very high category, namely 88.33%. However, not all class XII Social Sciences students meet the very high category. If you look at the percentage of each indicator, students' historical awareness is already high. If you look at the seventeen items, thirteen items are high, there are four items that are not high enough, namely past experience items that are believed to be able to solve the problems faced.</p> <p><strong>Novelty/Originality of this study: </strong>This research provides insight into students' historical awareness, shows contributions to the understanding of specific issues at the high school level, and offers directions for further improvements in history learning. Although students' general level of historical awareness is high, there are still areas that need further attention and improvement. This can be a basis for designing interventions or educational programs that focus more on indicators that are still low.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putriyatul Hikmah